
Thoughts of this Girl

You may see me smiling
But you don‘t know what I‘m hiding
I may laugh out loud
But you don‘t know what this is all about.

I might be misunderstood
Think of me as not so good
See me as unsociable
But I‘m just lacking of confidence

Lately, I‘ve been feeling unwanted
or is it just in my head?
I feel so invisible
by being unnoticed by all.

Thought a lot about my actions
Have I done something wrong or too much?
It hurts to be avoided
and to be unappreciated.

I should let this go
I should be able to do so
I should forgo being pessimistic
I should be optimistic

Today this is what I’m feeling
Tomorrow I hope it‘s different
Today I am emoting
Tomorrow I will be really smiling

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Ajoi seorang murid yang agak nakal. Satu hari dia kentut dengan bunyi yang sangat kuat dengan bau yang hampeh menyengat segera menyebar di dalam kelas. Mana taknya pagi tu dia sarapan telur rebus 2 biji.Baik punya!

Spontan saja Cikgu Amira menyuruh dia keluar kelas sambil memarahinya, tapi Ajoi ketawa terbahak-bahak nyaris berguling-guling. Guru Besar yang berdekatan kelas 6 Raya (kelas si Ajoi ni) terdengar suara Ajai ketawa berdekah-dekah tu, lalu keluar menyiasat apa yang berlaku.

Guru Besar: Ada apa ni Ajoi? kamu tertawa terbahak-bahak di luar kelas??

Ajoi: Lihatlah Cikgu, kesian kawan-kawan saya tu. Mereka sedang menikmati bau kentutku di dalam kelas. Nasib baik Cikgu Amira tu bijak dan menyuruh saya keluar kelas dengan udara yang lebih segar.


Di kedai emas, ada seorang perempuan terkentut ketika menonggeng melihat cincin. Dia tersipu-sipu malu dan melihat sekeliling dan perasan ada promoter dekat belakangnya…

Promoter tu tanya la “Boleh saya bantu?”

Perempuan tu anggap promoter itu tak dengar la yang dia kentut jadi dia jawab “Berapa harga cincin ini?”.

Promoter tu jawab, “Kalau tengok pun Puan boleh terkentut, saya pasti Puan akan terberak bila tau harganya”.

Suatu hari di kedai mamak, seorang lelaki bertanya kepada seorang mamak yang bekerja di situ..

Hasrul : dey mamak apa password WIFI kat sini?
Mamak : apa WIFI??
Hasrul : ini kedai punya internet la..
Mamak : Ooo..itu macam kalu, password dia tujupakale jugak
Hasrul : hah??
Mamak : “tujupakale..!”
Hasrul : Apa tu..??
Mamak : Aiyoo..awak tanya passwordkan… tujupakale la..
Hasrul : Password dia tajupakale..!
Mamak : ya… tujupakale

Hasrul pun menaip T.U.J.U.P.A.K.A.L.E. (ternyata salah)

Hasrul : dey, mamak apa password dia??
Mamak : tujupakale la…sudah tanya banyak kali jugak..aiyoo!!
Hasrul : kau bagi salah la, tu yg aku tanya balik
Mamak : mana ada salah..tujupakale
Hasrul : tak boleh la dey!!
Mamak : boleh la…
Hasrul : ko datang sini tengok aku taip..(mamak tu pun datang) kalo tak boleh kepala ko aku tuju!
Mamak : aiyoo abang jangan marah la..awak satu kali saya tengok (Hasrul pun taip)
Hasrul : ko tengok aku taip T.U.J.U.P.A.K.A.L.E… tengok, mana dapat!!
Mamak : dey, abang mari sini saya taip..awak kasi tekan salah butang jugak..
Hasrul : eh, ye ke…kau tekan la
Mamak : ini macam tekan la 7777
Hasrul : “ini TUJUH EMPAT KALI..!!”
Mamak : betul la saya cakap tujupakale..
Hasrul : %@$#@%#!!!!….

A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

ariel & diela


5 cara untuk setia pada pasangan anda

1. Cintailah dirinya sepenuh hati
– Sudah menjadi hukum alam, apa yang kita beri maka itulah yang akan kita perolehi pula. Semakin banyak yang kita beri, semakin banyak pula yang akan diterima. Jika mahu pasangan anda setia sudah tentu perkara pertama yang mesti dibuat adalah setia dan mencintai dirinya sepenuh jiwa dan raga.

2. Buat dirinya berasa istimewa
– Tiada siapa yang akan bertahan seandainya dilayan dengan cara yang tidak selayaknya. Selalu pastikan anda melayan pasangan agar dirinya rasa dihargai dan membawa makna yang besar terhadap anda.

3. Belailah dirinya
– Siapa kata belaian cuma bermakna sentuhan. Kalau belum ada ikatan yang sah – jangan sentuh sembarangan. Belailah pasangan dengan pandangan mata, senyuman manis, kata pujian dan menghargai pendapatnya.

4. Biarkan dia bebas
– Ramai yang tersalah faham di poin ini. Mereka fikir, untuk memastikan pasangan terus kekal setia maka hendaklah mengikat mereka seerat yang mungkin. Cuma orang yang tidak yakin pada diri serta tidak percaya pada qada & qadar sahaja yang akan merasa perlunya mengongkong pasangan. Cinta tidak perlu dipaksa. Ia hadir dengan sendiri. Ia anugerah yang Maha Penyayang kepada kita semua.

5. Yakin dan percaya
– Berkait rapat dengan poin di no. 4 di atas. Belajarlah mempercayai pasangan. Yakin padanya dan berdoalah. Andai takdirnya memang begitu. InsyaAllah semua akan berjalan dengan sempurna sesuai dengan perancangan yang Maha Esa terhadap hidup anda dan pasangan.

how tO stAy hEalTy…..

  1. Maintain healthy eating habits. Avoid fad diets like the plague; to get all the nutrition the human body needs, eat carbs, protein, and fat (yes, even fat!) at every meal.[1] By doing so, you’ll have a healthy heart, healthy brain, and a fully functional immune system. Eating highly varied foods will also help insure you get all the vitamins, minerals, oils, and enzymes your body craves.

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    • To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume.[2] That’s all there is to it. With the exception of sweets, eliminating one area of the food pyramid from your diet won’t replace the need to simply consume fewer calories.
    • Avoid skipping meals, which is hard on the body. Some people even recommend eating up to 6 mini meals a day instead of 3 large ones, which can sustain energy and steady blood-sugar levels[3]; however, many people end up turning their “mini meals” into junk food sessions and end up consuming not just more calories, but emptier ones.[4] Be honest with yourself before making this choice.
    • If you want to work on portion control, eat low energy-density foods (i.e. more substance, fewer calories). Fruits and vegetables, for example, are packed with not only vitamins and minerals, but also water and fiber, making them take longer to digest and keeping you full longer.[5]
    • Drink more water. This helps flush metabolic wastes to keep your metabolism in top shape.[6] Water can also help you feel fuller, so drink at least a half-gallon (2 liters) of water every day (or more if you are active or live in a hot climate).
  2. 2

    Sleep well every night. Adults should get 7 to 9 hours daily, whereas school-aged children should get 10 to 11.[7] One of the absolute most important ways of improving the quality of your sleep is to do it in complete darkness, as even small amounts of light interfere with the chemicals that tell your body to rest.[8] If you can’t eliminate the light in your room, wear an eye mask. Another one of the best ways to improve your sleep is to exercise.[9]

    • Sleeping is also a good way to prevent overeating. A study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that men who only slept for 4 hours consumed, on average, 500 more calories than they did after sleeping for 8.[10]
  3. 3

    Stick to an exercise regimen. If you don’t want to pay for a gym membership, trystrength-training at home. The muscle you develop will help increase your metabolism: the bodies of muscular people burn more calories even while they’re at rest.[11] To keep your heart in shape, do cardio. One particularly effective way to improve your cardiovascular health is to do interval training, which means alternating between low- and high-intensity activity. This has been shown to be a quick and extremely effective way to improve heart health and endurance.[12] (Anyone over the age of 60 or who has heart disease, high blood pressure, or arthritis should consult a doctor before attempting interval training.)

  4. 4

    Pursue your passions. No, not everyone can make a living playing sold-out concerts, traveling around the world trying new foods, or churning out bestselling fantasy novels, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on your dreams. Set some time aside to practice an instrument, do art, take photos, build models, weld, bake gourmet cakes, or whatever else enriches your free time. If you want to learn something new, take an evening or weekend class. If you can’t think of anything interesting off the top of your head, take the time to find a hobby.

    • If you’re convinced that there isn’t enough time in the day to pursue any outside activities, try to cut back on a time-wasting activity like channel-surfing or hitting refresh on Facebook.
  5. 5

    Limit your vicesQuit smokingbeat drug addiction, and, if necessary, stop drinking. Avoid other risky behaviors like speeding, fighting, unsafe sex, and excessive thrill-seeking.

  6. 6

    Improve your psychological health. Prioritize developing meaningful relationships above simply being social. Practice self-disclosure, which means sharing things that are unique to you (your thoughts, fears, favorite movies and music, pet peeves, etc.) with those you trust. This has been shown to be of immense importance to not only forging deeper interpersonal connections, but also feeling validated emotionally.[13]

  7. 7

    Keep your mind limber. Read more, solve puzzles, play games of strategy, learn to play an instrument, improve your memory, and never stop learning, even if you feel like you’re “past your prime.” In addition to the fact that staying mentally active is emotionally rewarding, studies have shown that there is a correlation between mentally-challenging activities and a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s.[15]

  8. 8

    Be hygienic. Wash your hands thoroughly after coming into contact with a sick person, using the bathroom, or anything else that could make you sick. (If you’re not sure what “thoroughly” entails, sing Happy Birthday to You in your head as you scrub.) In addition to flossing regularly, brush your teeth and tongue at least twice daily to limit plaque and harmful bacteria.

  9. 9

    Make little lifestyle changes. Don’t tire yourself out by making large gestures toward health without addressing the small stuff. Instead of running yourself ragged at the gym three days a week, park farther away from the store, walk the dog more often, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or weed your garden; instead of attacking your veggies and dip distractedly in front of the computer or TV, set time aside to slowly enjoy each meal and prevent mindless overeating.[4] Get your new habits to stick by tackling them at the grass-roots level.

  10. 10

    Remember to do everything in moderation – including moderation. Turning each aspect of your life into something you need to check off a list can not only make you feel trapped, but also make you more likely fall (or possibly even throw yourself) off the wagon. Allowing yourself the occasional indulgence to blow off steam will make you much more satisfied with your new lifestyle choices.

The Gift of Rain

Word by Word

Appreciating the rain is something I have learned relatively recently and how appropriate that I have a vision of it today, accompanied by the growing rumble of distant thunder and the occasional flash of lightning.

Until I lived in the south of France I had never experienced a period of two months continuous sunshine without a drop of rain or threat of a grey cloud on the horizon and so I began to understand and live with the dry and dusty consequence, those vast blue skies compensating for the lack of green, for without moisture there is no grass, no lush green of the variety that grows, horizontal, vertical, almost everywhere in that land of the long white cloud of my past, Aotearoa; growth that without vigilance would suffocate all that man has tried to impose in its place.

Children here are a reminder of this different relationship to rain…

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This entry was posted on October 22, 2012. 1 Comment

The Happiest Place on this side of the Peninsula! Part Une

Hugs from the Lemon & Orange


It has been more than three years in the making, and on Sept 15th 2012, Legoland Malaysia officially opened its colorful gates to fans of all ages. As with many newly-developed areas in this country, the saplings provided not much relief against the scorching sun and sweltering heat. But did that deter the crowd from running through the gates with excitement?

Heck NO! 🙂

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